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Ragnus Raguel

Ragnus is a character appearing in the game "Gungnir".
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Age22 → 24
First-Person PronounWatashi (私); just once, Ore (俺)
WeaponsAxes, Swords


Julio and Fiona's adoptive older brother; captain of Esperanza.

He seeks revenge for the death of his foster father Ricard, the only person to take him in regardless of his race; other than fighting to destroy Gargandia, he also seeks to defeat Ricard's killer.

He tries hard to be a calm leader, but he's actually very emotional, so he has his difficulties.

Ragnus tries to give gentle guidance to his beloved little brother Julio.

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His true identity is the Imperial prince Ragnus Dlacroa; Ragnus himself is unaware. His father, Wolfgang III, attempted to kill his sons out of fear of the prophecy that he would one day be killed by his successor, but Paulo let the youngest child Ragnus escape to Espada and sealed his memories. Apparently, the plan was for Ragnus to be used as a trump card in their revolution.

Rejecting the Daltania who birthed him, rejected by the Leonica he tried to protect, and with no place to belong, Ragnus treated Ricard--who had taken him in--as the only thing he could cling to. When he learns that he had really just been used by Ricard, he is crushed by the truth.

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Gungnir: Inferno of the Demon Lance and the War of Heroes

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